Policies, Rules and Programs for the matters related to the Labour Welfare, Employment, Training and Human Empowerment by this Department. Welfare Measures are taken and Programs for Employment Creation for workers are also prepared.

The Principal Secretary is the head of the Labour & Employment Department. The Policies, Rules and Orders formulated by the Government are executed by Heads of the Departments under the administrative control of the Department.

Vision of the Department

  • To ensure harmonious industrial relations, safe work environment and implementation of labour laws to guarantee dues and rights under labour legislations.
  • On line registration, licensing and submission of returns under labour laws to promote investment.
  • Labour laws reforms and simplification.
Key Objectives / Goals of the Department:
  • To ensure minimum wage, guaranteed monetary benefits, due under law, to the workmen.
  • To provide safe, healthy, and productive work environment and welfare to the workers.
  • To provide safe, healthy, and productive work environment and welfare to the workers.
  • To ensure abolition of child labour and bonded labour, and rehabilitation of those.
  • To encourage and promote zero accident, safe and productive work places.
Sr. No.ServicesUser ProcedureDepartmental Procudure
1Registration under UP Shops & Establishment Act, 1962DownloadDownload
2Renewal under UP Shops & Establishment Act, 1962DownloadDownload
3Proposed Building Plan under The Factories Act 1948DownloadDownload
4Approval of plan and permission to construct/extend/or take into use any building as a factory under the Factories Act, 1948DownloadDownload
5Registration and grant of license under The Factories Act, 1948DownloadDownload
6Renewal of license under The Factories Act, 1948DownloadDownload
7Registration of Boilers under Indian Boillers Act, 1923DownloadDownload
8Renewal of Boilers under Indian Boillers Act, 1923DownloadDownload
9Approval of Boiler ManufacturerDownloadDownload
10Renewal of Boiler ManufacturerDownloadDownload
11Approval for Boiler erectorDownloadDownload
12Renewal for Boiler erectorDownloadDownload
13Registration of principal employer’s establishment under provision of The Contracts Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970DownloadDownload
14License for contractors under provision of The Contracts Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970DownloadDownload
15Renewal of license for contractors under provision of The Contracts Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970DownloadDownload
16Registration under Motor Transport ActDownloadDownload
17Renewal under Motor Transport ActDownloadDownload
18Registration under Beedi Cigar ActDownloadDownload
19Renewal under Beedi Cigar ActDownloadDownload
20Registration of establishment under the Inter State Migrant Workmen (RE&CS) Act, 1979DownloadDownload
21License for contractors under the Inter State Migrant Workmen(RECS) Act 1979DownloadDownload
22Renewal of License for contractors under the Inter State Migrant Workmen(RECS) Act 1979DownloadDownload
23Registration under The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996Download